Hello everyone!
I'm very impressed with y'all! Hundreds and hundreds of views for each post, and from all over the world? I couldn't ask for more. I'm feeling the love, big time. :)
Every time I've written a new post, I've shared it in all the CMT groups. From there, some of you have shared the links on your own and I appreciate that so much! However, since all of the groups I post things in are private, none of my close non-CMT friends ever see them. In accordance with my new years resolution to be more honest, I think I might make the leap and share so my friends see it as well. So for those of you seeing this for the first time, this is my blog (obviously). Clearly you know I have a sort of swagger when I walk, but you may not have known why. I have Charcot Marie Tooth disease, look it up! Don't google photos though, they are gross and most don't apply to me. Haha.
Anyway, what is my vision for this blog? Why do I have one? Am I just that pretentious to think everyone wants to read about the mundane occurances in my life? Not quite. First, there is a huge online community of people with CMT who reassure me on a daily basis that I am, in fact, not actually crazy. I can't thank them enough. Second, I've been given advice time and time again that keeping a journal is one of the most rewarding things you can do in your life. Well I tried that, and failed, miserably. I don't know, I just kept thinking "if nobody is ever going to read this, what is the point?" Well when I have other people to constantly keep me accountable, it makes it easier to keep posting. So this is my sort of journal, with an emphasis on my CMT. If you like it, subscribe. If you don't, then I don't care.
So if you are new and have made it this far, then welcome! I'm glad you took the time to come read this. Also, if you've ever wondered: if you run into me in person and you want to ask about my feet, go ahead! I really don't mind taking about it. I just never bring it up because to me, that feels like complaining. Nobody likes a complainer.
As you've clearly noticed by now, I like to talk. Probably/definitely too much. I think that might stem from the fact that I hate it if people lie to me. Or when I've done something to upset someone, and they just keep quiet because that is the easier thing to do. That drives me insane. Just talk to me about it! Please! I think that the fundamental foundation of relationships is communication (in other news, clichés may, in fact, be the fundamental foundation of this blog haha). But for example, you can show people you love/appreciate them by hugging them, kissing them, etc, but there simply isn't anything quite like hearing "I love you" or "you're pretty awesome" or "thanks, I appreciate it" from someone. And, not to mention, who else, but your family and friends, do you have to tell you when you have cilantro in your teeth after eating Chipotle. Honest communication is invaluable, and unfortunately, quite hard to come by.
So what am I trying to say here? I am just rambling I guess. But I think being honest, uncomplicated, and loving, is the best way to live. So I challenge you, and myself to spend the next week or so making a concerted effort to ensure that people in your life know that you love and appreciate them. It can catch some people off guard, but it is definitely a good thing.
Before I go, I want to say I hope everyone enjoys their three day weekend. Also, remember why we have Monday off. I think being treated differently for uncontrollable reasons is something we can all agree is simply unacceptable. Life is too damn short to focus on such minor, meaningless differences between people. Take a minute and remember this on Monday/everyday of the year.
May the force be with you,